Mental Health

Mental health is as important as physical health, and there is plenty of research suggesting that what we eat affects both our physical and mental health and wellbeing.

Whilst many factors contribute to mental health, diet plays a huge role – a healthy, balanced diet is protective whilst an unhealthy diet can for example be a risk factor for depression and anxiety. Many well-conducted studies have been published worldwide over the last few years making a link between diet quality and common mental disorders in both children and adults.

Mental health covers a vast number of conditions, including ADHD, anxiety, depression, mood swings and stress.

Diet should not be considered a substitute for medication and other treatments, and as a Nutritional Therapist I would never (and am not allowed to) suggest that you come off any medications, or that nutrition can “cure” any mental health challenges.

Research however proves that diet is a big contributing factor to a person’s mental health, with everything that we put into our bodies affecting how for example the immune system and genes work, and how the body responds to stress. A number of nutrients are linked to the nervous system, with B vitamins, Zinc and Magnesium known as co-factors in the production of neurotransmitters.

The activity of healthy neurotransmitters – which transfer information and signals between various parts of the brain and body- can be supported by feeding the brain with a diet containing adequate amounts of complex carbohydrates, essential fats, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and water. A healthy diet can also protect the brain from the effects of oxidants, which have been shown negatively to impact mood and mental health.

Feeling irritable could for example also be linked to your blood sugar levels, and sometimes eating regularly and choosing foods that release energy slowly in order to keep blood sugar levels balance can make a big difference to how you are feeling. 

And did you know that some gut germs even help make brain-powering B vitamins? There is a gut-brain link in many conditions, and with everything being interconnected it is hugely important to look at you as a whole and not just at your symptoms.

The brain is the most complex organ in our body, responsible for controlling your thoughts, movement, speech and behavior, and everything we put into our body has a direct effect on it. The knowledge that a nutritious diet improves mental health has also led to the term “nutritional psychiatry” being used widely.

There is so much more to “mental health and nutrition”, and it is very much about listening to and treating each client on an individual basis, whilst taking biochemical imbalances and a range of other factors into consideration too.

If you feel that you could optimise your mental health or want to protect your mental health for years to come then book a consultation with me now. We can work together and create a personalised plan for you focussing on nutrition and lifestyle medicine.

You can find lots of information on the website but if you have any further questions or want to find out whether Nutritional Therapy is for you then let’s get a free 15 minute chat booked in. Alternatively you can go ahead and book the 1:1 consultation package

Please fill in the “request an appointment” form on this page and then we can get you started on your journey to optimum health with Abhyasa Nutritional Therapy.


If you are feeling distressed, need urgent help in regards to your mental health or need to talk to somebody now then please contact one of the mental health charities or the emergency services.

If you are having a difficult time or not feeling ok you can call Samaritans and speak to someone on 116 123 for free, day or night, 365 days a year.

Mind provides advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem, and a range of services are available in many local areas.

If it’s an emergency or if you want to speak to someone right now, the quickest route is to access emergency services. For urgent medical attention, your options are Accident & Emergency (A&E) and Emergency GP appointments. For urgent medical advice you can call the NHS 111 (England) or NHS Direct (Wales).

Request an Appointment

Please fill in your details, including your preferred date. If there is a specific time you want to book please specify this in your message. We will then get back to you to confirm.

Contact Us


Suite 112, Silk House
Park Green, Macclesfield
Cheshire SK11 7QJ

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