Immune System

There has been a lot of talk about the immune system over the last few months, and you are probably more aware than ever before of the importance to maintain a strong immune system.

The immune system is constantly working to protect the body from infection, injury and disease. It relies on an adequate supply of nutrients for its baseline functions as well as for ramping up its activity when necessary. Both malnutrition and deficiencies in one or more key nutrients lead to reduced immune function, and with the spread of COVID-19 many people were wondering what they could do alongside good hygiene practice to support their immune system – now and in the future.

Maintaining a balanced immune system is one of the keys to your health and wellbeing, and many articles have covered the importance of nutrients as the foundation of a healthy immune system. A weakened immune system can make us more vulnerable to a host of nasty viruses and bacteria.

There are several key nutrients that are known to support the specialised defences that keep viruses and bacteria out of our bodies, destroy invaders that enter, and assist with recovery from illness and infection.

Vitamin D and vitamin C in particular have been in the spotlight, whilst zinc, selenium and beta glucans are amongst other nutrients with immune supporting functions. Furthermore zinc, iron and manganese are all co-factors for enzymes and have been implicated in inhibiting viral replication.

Nutritional status can modulate the actions of our immune system, and supporting the healthy function of both the innate and adaptive immune system – which together are responsible for protecting us against viral and other non-specific pathogens – is an important strategy. A good diet and appropriate levels of immune supporting vitamins and minerals are essential.

Gut health is another important factor to take into consideration, with over 70% of the immune system located in the gut. Sleep and stress also play important roles in relation to immune function. Sleep restores the body, and without adequate sleep your immune system’s function will be impacted.

The health of our immune system is important at all times of the year. If you want us to look at ways for you to maintain a healthy, balanced diet with the aim to support immune function during all seasons then book a consultation with me now.

You can find lots of information on the website but if you have any further questions or want to find out whether Nutritional Therapy is for you then let’s get a free 15 minute chat booked in. Alternatively you can go ahead and book the 1:1 consultation package

Please fill in the “request an appointment” form on this page and then we can get you started on your journey to optimum health with Abhyasa Nutritional Therapy.

immune illustration

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Suite 112, Silk House
Park Green, Macclesfield
Cheshire SK11 7QJ

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