I offer Consultations (1:1 and groups), online programmes, retreats, seminars, and I am a health writer.

I am also the Nutrition Expert for The Healthier Track community.

My main areas of focus include Healthy Ageing, Immune System Support, Menopause and Mental Health. I am however trained and can work with you on a large number of other health concerns too, from digestive issues and skin conditions to fatigue and weight management.

Many clients come to see me for a “Health MOT”, or they have got a number of symptoms from feeling tired to suffering from headaches or constipation. Some can’t define what exactly their “symptom” is but they know that they are not “quite right”. And many people don’t realise how unwell they were until they start to feel better, which is always great to witness!

Using a patient-centred approach, I will work with you on your individual programme that’s right for you and your lifestyle.

Please get in touch for further details and if you have any questions.

General Health & Wellbeing

From general health and preventative measures through to a number of chronic and acute conditions, nutrition can make a big difference.

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Mental Health

Mental health is as important as physical health, but the link between mental health and nutrition is often underestimated, yet so important.

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Change can be hard, but also empowering. Nutrition plays a huge role at the time when women go through this transition in their lives.

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Healthy Ageing

We live longer than ever before, and ageing needs to be embraced. Know how to slow down the ageing process from the inside and the outside.

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Immune System

There has been a lot of conflicting and misleading information about the immune system in recent times. It’s all about keeping it balanced!

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Food Hypersensitivities

Food hypersensitivities include a wide spectrum of symptoms and mechanisms, with a rise in people suffering from food intolerances and allergies.

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Menu Planning

Breakfast, lunch, evening meal and snacks all planned out – having weekly meal plans and a shopping list can make your live much easier.

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Functional Testing

Functional testing can be very helpful, with a focus on the physiological function as a marker of health rather than the presence of symptoms.

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Your journey with Abhyasa NT


Take that step and decide that you want to work with me. Get in touch to book your initial consultation, or let’s get that 15 minute free call booked in if you have further questions.


As soon as your initial consultation is booked in you will receive a food diary and a questionnaire to complete with your personal details, symptoms, aims, as well a link to make the payment.

Initial Consultation

The initial consultation will take place at the agreed time / location and will last up to 75 minutes. I will ask you lots of questions, covering all body systems, history and lifestyle habits.

Personalised Programme

After the consultation you will receive your personalized nutritional programme alongside any lifestyle and supplement recommendations. I will be on call if you have any further questions.


The follow-up appointment will take place approx 6 weeks after the initial. This will last up to 45 minutes and cover your progress and any challenges, and you will receive an updated plan.

Check ins

Having future appointments in the diary is helpful and motivating. If you want ongoing guidance on your journey to optimum health you can book regular check-in sessions to keep on track.

Contact us

Email: info@abhyasanutritionaltherapy.com

Suite 112, Silk House
Park Green, Macclesfield
Cheshire SK11 7QJ

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