1:1 Consultations | Virtual

I offer virtual 1:1 consultations via Zoom, in the UK and internationally.

Please note that I have limited availability for new clients. Feel free to get in touch if you are interested in working with me later this year or if you want to join the waiting list. 


Consultation package:

The Virtual Consultation Package includes your initial consultation which lasts up to 75 minutes, and one follow-up appointment which lasts up to 45 minutes. You will receive your personalised programme after the initial consultation, and this will be reviewed during the follow-up appointment with an updated programme issued after the follow-up. 

Some clients are happy to then continue their journey with the advice and tools provided, but a lot of clients (especially with more complex health issues and when we cannot address everything in one go) need additional sessions.

Many clients also like the idea to be coached and they stay more motivated if they know that they talk to me monthly / every few weeks – this is why I offer 30 minute “check-in” sessions which can be purchased in a block of either 2 or 5 (4 + 1 free).

Consultation prices:

Virtual Consultation Package:

  • Initial consultation and follow-up appointment (sold as a package only): £249 
  • The package includes your personalised programme after the initial consultation, a reviewed programme after the follow-up, plus any educational handouts and email support. 

Check-in sessions (optional, can be purchased further down the line)

  • Block of 2 x 30 minute sessions, valid for 4 months: £124
  • Block of 4 x 30 minute sessions + 1 FREE (= 5 total), valid for 12 months: £248

Any additional recommendations, including suggested supplements and recommended functional testing, are not included in the package price.

Consultation hours:

Standard hours are Monday to Friday, 9.30am – 5pm. Other appointment times including evenings and Saturdays are available by request.

Appointments are subject to availability.

Please make sure that you have a working internet connection and are in a quiet, private room for the duration of the consultation.

If you have any further questions then let’s get a free 15 minute chat booked in and we can talk through the various steps and what it involves – just fill in the “request an appointment” box with your preferred day / time and contact details, and we will get back to you to confirm.

Your journey with Abhyasa Nutritional Therapy

1. Decision

Take that step and decide that you want to work with me. Get in touch to book your initial consultation, or let’s get that 15 minute free call booked in if you have further questions.

2. Questionnaire

As soon as your initial consultation is booked in you will receive a food diary and a questionnaire to complete with your personal details, symptoms, aims, as well a link to make the payment.

3. Initial Consultation

The initial consultation will take place at the agreed time / location and will last up to 75 minutes. I will ask you lots of questions, covering all body systems, history and lifestyle habits.

4. Personalised programme

After the consultation you will receive your personalised nutritional programme alongside any lifestyle and supplement recommendations. I will be on call if you have any further questions.

5. Follow-up

The follow-up appointment will take place approx 6 weeks after the initial. This will last up to 45 minutes and cover your progress and any challenges, and you will receive an updated plan.

6. Check-ins

Having future appointments in the diary is helpful and motivating. If you want ongoing guidance on your journey to optimum health you can book regular check-in sessions to keep on track.

Please remember that any advice offered is not a substitute for medical advice. You will be referred to your GP if you have any red flag symptoms or if it is felt necessary for any reason. Permission to consult with your GP or other medical professional can also be requested.

Children and minors under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

consultations illustration

Request an Appointment

Please fill in your details, including your preferred date. If there is a specific time you want to book please specify this in your message. We will then get back to you to confirm.

Contact Us

Email: info@abhyasanutritionaltherapy.com

Suite 112, Silk House
Park Green, Macclesfield
Cheshire SK11 7QJ

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